Formed in north Jersey in 2004, The Early spans two decades, two coastlines, and an evolving lineup of multi-instrumentalist improvisers, living between frenetic spontaneous invention and deeply rooted minimalist groove. In its current Philadelphia iteration, with Alex Lewis on guitar and synths and Jake Nussbaum on drums and electronics, the two-piece dances across open landscapes and jagged melodies, searching for an extrasensory correspondence that can express the invisible. Their upcoming album, On Juniper, will be released on Ruination Records in August 2022.
Ben Seretan is a musician and writer who is always up to something, and has been for a while now. His work can be hard to pin down - in 2018 he doled out My Life's Work, a 24-hour-long piece of guitar drone autobiography but then followed it in early 2020 with Youth Pastoral, a mega-church-sized, full-band album about breaking up (with God) that was named one of the best of the year by Pitchfork. Another left turn - 2021 brought Cicada Waves, a serene record consisting entirely of an antique piano and encountered sound from the Appalachian woods ("There’s a moment towards the end where Seretan spontaneously duets with a nearby songbird and it’s one of the most magical things you’ll hear this (or any) year." -Aquarium Drunkard). He also maintains My Big Break, a hard-to-describe biweekly newsletter featuring new writing and new recordings. Seretancurrently lives in Troy, NY where he enjoys watching Columbo and working as a bartender at a local DIY venue.
Born and raised in the pocket of New England, multi-instrumentalist M. Geddes Gengras made his way out to Los Angeles in 2005 and has ceaselessly added projects and releases to his ever broadening discography ever since. Antique Brothers, Sun Araw, Fantastic Ego, Robedoo, Pocahaunted and Dogwiper are just a few of his many incarnations and collaborations that have put him in high demand as a performer, composer and producer. Now performing and recording under his own name, Gengras has developed an impeccable reputation for his modular synth work and multi-layered sound design. Continuing his prolific release schedule of LPs and tapes for a myriad of established and rising labels, Geddes’ shows no sign of slowing down and constantly finds new ways to reinvent himself.